Parents are beginning to be aware of what their children are being taught in their schools.
All parents must be diligent of the attack on their children by the Rainbow.
"Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters"
by Abigail Shrier
2SLGBTQI+ terminology is continuously evolving. As a result, it is important to note that this list is not exhaustive and these definitions are a starting point to understanding 2SLGBTQI+identities and issues. Different 2SLGBTQI+ individuals and communities may have broader or more specific understandings of these terms.
2S: at the front, recognizes Two-Spirit people as the first 2SLGBTQI+ communities; L: Lesbian; G: Gay; B: Bisexual; T: Transgender; Q: Queer; I: Intersex, considers sex characteristics beyond sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression; +: is inclusive of people who identify as part of sexual and gender diverse communities, who use additional terminologies.
Allyship is used in contemporary social justice activism to describe efforts by groups of people to advance the interests of marginalized groups both in society at large and in particular social contexts. The fundamental objective of allyship is to provide support needed to “change policies, practices and the culture” where the inequity is occurring.
The Left, as we have shown, is notorious with revising the English language so as to not offend. Pedophiles are now MAPS -- Minor Attracted Persons. Illegals must be identified as "undocumented immigrants" or "undocumented citizen."
Now, blue states are hatching plans to give criminals similar treatment. Instead of "Convict." "Offender" or "Criminal" they will be referred to as "justice-impacted individuals."
This effort is generally referred to as "people-first language."
A 15-minute city is an urban planning concept where everything a person needs -- work, shopping, education, healthcare, and leisure -- is within a 15-minute walk. The intention of this "human-centric" design concept is to reduce the use of cars and instead promote walking, cycling, and use of public transport. As such, 15-minute cities tend to emphasize features like green and public spaces, bike lanes and public walkways rather than roads.
The 15-minute city could only work by giving too much power to the government. It has been suggested that facial recognition could give individuals warning that they have reached the fifteen minute limit in their city.
...but the Left will never realize it.
The $1.7 million toilet in San Francisco’s Noe Valley neighborhood is now open. It took nearly two years.
It can take an average of 523 days for a developer to get an initial thumbs up to build housing and an additional 605 days to get permits, totaling nearly four years.
The town of Mansfield, CT is holding an official pride flag raising ceremony at Town Hall. The Mayor along with some city council members will attend. This will be followed by an official city organized pride event which includes drag shows for kids and kids performing in drag. I wonder if the Gay Men's Choir will show to sing their hit song, "We'll Convert Your Children?"
For More Info:
The UN's goals appear so simple and desirable. How can anyone object to ending poverty, hunger and racism? Well, it's not the goals that are objectionable, but the policies recommended to achieve those goals, those listed above, are frightening. A perusal of the UN's policies that would, indeed, result in little people.
Not mentioned above is a global tax imposed on First World nations to fund Third World nations.
Lovers of liberty, self-government, free markets, or the U.S. Constitution, you will almost certainly be alarmed at the massive changes proposed by the UN and the globalists who support it.
Biden, despite the criticism he has received for sniffing children, just can't help himself. MAPS are like that!
To no one's surprise, a Pew Research Poll found that young white liberal women have the most mental disorders than any other demographic. This survey reinforces an older study by Brack and Zhang that found liberals were 64% more likely to suffer from depression than the balance of the US population.
The CHIPS for America Act -- with the acronym standing for "Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors" -- was intended to re-establish America's production of computer chips. Signed in August of 2022, the bill would shower chipmakers with $280 billion of incentives to locate their manufacturing plants and research facilities in the US.
The CHIPS ACT so far has been a disappointment. It seems that its onerous DEI requirements have discouraged companies from such investments. Requirements that force chipmakers to detail plans to educate, employ, and train an army of women and people of color, as well as “justice-involved individuals (ex-cons)," for the very difficult STEM jobs needed to produce high-quality semiconductors.
Of course, diversity officers must be hired to ensure that the companies “increase the participation of economically disadvantaged individuals in the semiconductor workforce.”
Asian and White men, the backbone holders of chipmaking knowledge, can't be hired until the BIPOC quotas are met. Companies are thus bailing from investing in the US when they learn the extent of the DEI requirements.
Libs, in their lunacy, have mandated DEI in nearly every nook and cranny of American life. It is difficult to avoid the scrutiny of highly-paid Diversity Officers armed with a myriad of regulations and quotas. Companies and government agencies must present Diversity Plans to satisfy these officers.
Conservatives are fighting back arguing that merit must be the prime criteria in hiring and school admissions. They give a new name for DIE: Didn't Earn It.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, leftists abandoned the classical Marxism of class struggle and adopted broader targets for achieving their socialist Nirvana. Now religion, race, family, traditions, patriotism and the entirety of Western Civilization must be destroyed to achieve the revolution. These tools of oppression must be destroyed to liberate the oppressed.
The Soviet's Comintern initiated and supported the work of the Frankfurt School for decades. Herbert Marcuse emerged to give positive returns to this investment. Marcuse argued for "Repressive Tolerance," the repression of traditional ideas and values is necessary before progressive ideas can flourish. J. Michael Waller in his book "Big Intel" asserts that "repressive tolerance became the basis of college speech codes of the 1980s, the political correctness of the 1990s and early 2000s and the cancel culture and wokeness of the second and third decades of the 21st Century."
A corollary of Cultural Marxism is Critical Legal Theory. Simply, the Crits believe that adherence to precedence and the law takes a backseat to the establishment of leftist ideals in a society. They argue that the law should be used as a tool for social change, and that it should be more inclusive and equitable.
The legal persecution of Donald Trump is an excellent example of critical legal theory in practice.
The correct Rainbow term for vagina and the cervix is "front hole." The Canadian Cancer Society didn't use it in their literature about cervix cancer and was taken to the Rainbow's WOKE WOODSHED for their verbal faux pas.
Obama's 2012 campaign effort told the story of an imaginary woman’s life from childhood to old age and is meant to illustrate how President Obama’s big-government policies helped one woman over her lifetime. The story follows Julia's life through twelve stages and suggests that it was various government policies that gave her life possibilities and meaning.
The thirteenth phase of Julia's life was not included: "Julia died at 72 but voted Democrat until 96."
"We're committed to continuing efforts around diversity, equity and inclusion because football is for everyone. We proudly support the LGBTQ+ community."
Libs plan to destroy all about America and the West...including standards of female pulchritude. Here is an example of their efforts and success!
Well, at least she is a woman. In Europe trans men have been winning beauty contests.
Oops, I spoke too soon.
A Baily Anne Kennedy, a transgender man was crowned Miss Maryland USA on June 1, 2024.
The Biden Administration's Sec. of Transportation Pete Buttigieg recently had difficulty explaining why it has been three years since the bill has passed with $7.5 billion of incentives and they installed only 7 or 8 charging stations.
He wouldn't dare explain the real reason so few charging stations have been built: DEI. The onerous DEI requirements imposed on any construction of these chargers have, as one DOT staffer said, "...screwed everything up."
Special Mention as he is deceased: Paul Robeson. Paul Robeson was a proud communist and would do anything for his hero -- Joseph Stalin.
Comintern, Russia's (they weren't yet Soviets in 1919) construct to disseminate world communism, officially established and funded the Institute of Social Research in Frankfurt, known commonly as the Frankfurt School. Comintern created the School to clarify its revolutionary cultural program and establish how best to execute its application. They had determined advanced countries would not adopt socialism by economics alone, and the success of the revolution depended on a culture war.
The School focused on breaking down traditional social ties. It wasn’t until the 1960s that Herbert Marcuse answered the question by proposing a “coalition of minorities”. Marcuse advocated destructive negative criticism of every sphere of life, designed to undermine Western civilization and crush what they saw as the “oppressive” order of the ruling class.
What is oppressive to Marxists? Work, family, church, social order, rules of governance, mathematics, science, politeness, tolerance, kindness, etc. — anything that imposes on one’s desire to be free from any restrictions.
Continuing in the traditions of the Frankfurt School, the overwhelming number of Marxists today recognize identity politics as the most expedient terrain through which to deliver their views into the popular consciousness and the mainstream.
Many millions of people in the West take it for granted, not realizing they’ve been subject to decades of Marxist ideological indoctrination. For example, there would be no Rainbow without the influence of The Frankfurt School.
Democrats like Obama, Hillary, John Brennan and Valerie Jarrett have been heavily influenced by the Frankfurt School.
The White House communications director or White House director of communications, also known officially as Assistant to the President for Communications, is part of the senior staff of the president of the United States. The officeholder is responsible for developing and promoting the agenda of the president and leading its media campaign.
Tyler Cherry (left in photo with that kicky mint green pocketbook) certainly fills Biden's DIE policies quite nicely as a solid Rainbow choice. He is also an accomplished lefty. He believes that the police are "slave patrols"...that ICE should be abolished...applauds Hamas' actions on conflicts with Israel ...and suggested Iowa should not be the first presidential primary state because of its majority white population.
Cherry checks a lot of boxes and will fit in well with the rest of the Biden team.
Biden enjoys the approval of 40% of the US population despite his incompetence and destructive policies that have nearly ruined our great country. The graph above may give us a clue.
Daily marijuana smokers now number 18 million, exceeding the number of daily alcohol drinkers for the first time. Such escape from reality doubtless benefits Biden's approval ratings.
Libs describe SOGI as " Welcoming everyone without discrimination, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Not limiting a person's potential based on their biological sex and how they understand or express their gender."
However, SOGI has devolved from preventing violence and discrimination against people of diverse sexual orientations and/or gender identities to persecuting (and prosecuting) those who disagree with the Rainbow ideology or even use the wrong pronouns.
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