"Domestic terrorism from white supremacists is the most lethal terrorist threat in the homeland," Biden claimed. "We cannot and must not give hate any safe harbor."
However, evidence provides another story. See photo on the right.
Everyone remembers Jussie Smollett and his claim that at 2 a.m. near his apartment in Chicago two masked assailants poured "an unknown chemical substance" on him, possibly bleach, and wrapped a rope around his neck. In an interview with police, Smollett alleges that the attackers yelled “MAGA country,” a reference to President Donald Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ slogan.
The libs went crazy claiming this incident was more evidence of an inherently racist America.
However, the attack on Smollett proved to be a hoax. A jury later found Smollett guilty of five of six counts for filing a false police report related to the attack.
Jussie Smollett isn't the only hate crime hoaxter. A website, lists 500 of them!
You can see them at:
LIBERAL LUNACY Mask wearing is a symbol of control by and submission to government. Which is why lefties embrace it, despite evidence that it is nearly worthless in protection from disease.
A woman when asked by the Boston Globe why she was wearing a mask outdoors on the Boston Commons stated, "I’m not about to look like a Republican."
The Left has long supported giving reparations to blacks to compensate for the slavery their ancestors suffered.
For example, San Francisco recently announced a plan that seeks to provide reparations for the Black community. Under this proposal, every eligible Black adult in San Francisco would receive payments of $5 million, elimination of personal debt and tax burdens, a guaranteed annual income of at least $97,000 for 250 years, and the ability to purchase a home in San Francisco for only $1.
The cost for this plan would be $600,000 per non-Black family or roughly $250 billion dollars in total to taxpayers.
Of course, other proposals aren't nearly as generous, but you get the idea.
Climate Change is now an important religion on the Left. It has become a matter of faith, not of science, reason and data.
For example, the two graphs on the left display the same data: world temperatures from 1880 to about 2020. The graph on top looks far more frightening than the bottom graph. So, of course, the greenies show the public the top graph and hide the bottom graph.
Their plan is simple. Scare people into believing that they will all die unless they agree to a larger, more oppressive government, along with higher taxes to support it...and then lie when their predictions don't come true.
The cappo di tutti frutti of the climate change movement, James Hansen, predicted in 1987 the the West Side of NYC would be inundated by the Hudson River in 20 years. The Hudson River is still where it has been since discovered by Henry Hudson. His supporters have been lying for the last 15 years about his failed prediction.
Bottom line: Yes, we are experiencing global warming, man is responsible for some of it, probably a very small part, but no one has a clue of just how much. It is foolish, knowing how little we really know, to spend a fortune, impoverishing the world as a result, to solve a problem that may not really exist. But, lefties never let a crisis go to waste. Even a contrived crisis like climate change.
A health sciences program offered at The Ohio State University requires those who sign up for the course to take part in an array of discussions and assignments about gender and race, including one that asks students to address their privileges if they are White, heterosexual or able-bodied.
One such required class assignment, which was outlined in the FOIA-obtained documents related to the course, is titled "Unpack the Invisible Knapsack" and asks students to complete a series of "activities" about their "privilege."
The assignment stems from a 1989 essay titled "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack," which was written by feminist scholar and anti-racist activist Peggy McIntosh. Included in this knapsack -- "Whiteness protected me from many kinds of hostility, distress, and violence, which I was being subtly trained to visit, in turn, upon people of color."
"Social Justice Warriors" is a term for a person who advocates a liberal progressive orthodoxy, often on the internet, especially involving the treatment of ethnic, racial, or sexual minorities.
Claiming to seek justice is often a ruse used to hide the raw search for power. And for many social justice warriors, that is exactly what they desire.
According to the Arizona Department of Education, even three-month-old kids hold racial prejudices.
A study published in Developmental Science found that "...while newborn infants demonstrated no spontaneous preference for faces from either their own- or other-ethnic groups, 3-month-old infants demonstrated a significant preference for faces from their own-ethnic group. These results suggest that preferential selectivity based on ethnic differences is not present in the first days of life, but is learned within the first 3 months of life.
Three-month old racists? Who knew?
Lefties are very good at devising labels to euphemize some very atrocious deviance.
MAPS is one of them -- it is an acronym for Minor Attracted Persons. Pedophiles, in other words.
Pedos have embraced the term. They even have their own Rainbow flag, as seen to the left.
PEDO groups like NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) have long worked to lower and abolish age of consent laws.
Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law that would mandate stores that sell toys would face a $500 fine if their inventory doesn't include a sufficient offering of "gender-neutral" toys.
Gender-neutral toys are toys that are not marketed to a specific gender and do not reinforce gender stereotypes. They encourage children to experiment with gender constructs and help counteract some stereotypes that limit children’s thinking about what and who they can and should be.
You mean about thinking to be part of the Rainbow? Clearly, the Rainbow is behind such looniness.
California state regulators agreed to ban the sale of any new gasoline-powered cars by 2035.
Because California is the largest auto market in the U.S., the move could spur a faster nationwide shift to electric vehicles. It establishes a "roadmap so that by 2035 100 percent of new cars and light trucks sold in California will be zero-emission vehicles."
Nine states that link their standards to California's have already announced plans to prohibit the sale of new gas-powered automobiles after 2035, and more could follow. Needless to say, these states are Dem blue states.
California is set to prohibit the sale of large diesel trucks in 2036.
Of course, all of this is nuts, but what do you expect from these rabid greenies. Rabies first destroys the brains of the infected.
Lefties have led the way on adopting inclusive policies, benefits and practices for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people and their families for decades. This is one of their tools for school inclusion of The Rainbow.
So, what is in this toolkit?
The toolkit provides information and guidance on how the schools and colleges can more effectively support transgender and gender-questioning students to prevent transphobia.
The promotional material states, “This toolkit will help to further equip teachers so that they can support young people to have open and constructive conversations about gender and gender identity.”
Also: "This toolkit will help set boundaries for staff who sometimes ask inappropriate questions which they don’t realize are inappropriate."
These toolkits are like the pods in the movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers."
Virtue signaling is the demonstration of one's leftist consciousness and practice to establish one's bona fides to others.
Virtue signaling can be expressed many ways. Displaying a Black Lives Matter flag or sign in your front yard, driving a Prius, wearing a Rainbow t-shirt are only a few examples. Posting a masked selfie of yourself or your vaccination certificate are a couple of other favorites.
Conforming to the prevailing orthodox feels so good!
Initiated by the ChiComs , social credit scores have been firmly embraced by the American Left.
Simply, social credit scores measures how well a person practices the demands of the Left. A good little libby will be given a high score, AMAGA Republican a very low score.
Black Rock has been promoting ESG (Environment, Social, Governance). ESG is closely related to social credit scores but is generally applied to business. ESG encompasses a range of "ethically responsible" business practices, from curbing carbon emissions to cracking down on discrimination in the workplace.
Furious that North Carolina approved legislation to ban transgender people from using public bathrooms that aligned with their gender identity, Democratic leaders in San Francisco and the California State Capitol quickly moved in 2016 to ban their employees from traveling to states deemed hostile to L.G.B.T.Q. communities.
This boycott expanded to 30 states by 2023
San Francisco supervisors found the ordinance was actually causing the government to run less efficiently and was costing the city as much as 20 percent more in contracting fees.
In September, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom officially repealed California’s 2016 ban on state-funded travel to states with laws targeting LGBTQ+ people. San Francisco voted to end their ban in April, 2023.
The lefties countinue with their efforts to attach a racial aspect to nearly everything. Now it's to the state's AMBER ALERTS.
Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill that will create the "Ebony Alert" system for missing Black children and young women. When activated, the proposed system – similar to Amber or Silver alerts — would inform people of missing Black children and young women between the ages of 12 to 25.
Critics asked, “Why do we need a separate alert for black and brown kids? How about actually LOOKING for these kids instead of creating ways to segregate us even more?"
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said that his agency would use a portion of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill to address racial inequities in U.S. highway design.
The program, called "Reconnecting Communities," will focus on the "legacy of highway construction built through communities" and remove or repurpose infrastructure barriers. "If an underpass was constructed such that a bus carrying mostly Black and Puerto Rican kids to a beach ... in New York was designed too low for it to pass by, that ... obviously reflects racism that went into those design choices."
Projects that “are focused on equity and environmental justice” will be given special preference.
Not too long ago, the U.S. Department of Education and the National Endowment for the Humanities funded an extensive development of history standards to be taught in our schools . But on the eve of the final version’s public release, the document sparked a firestorm of controversy.
The U.S. Senate voted to condemn the standards, 99-1. What created such ire? Here is a sample of the subjects cited in these standards:
Paul Revere -- 0
Senator Joseph McCarthy, "McCarthyism" -- 19
Harriet Tubman -- 6
Ulysses S. Grant -- 1
Robert E. Lee -- 0
Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" -- 1
Alexander Graham Bell -- 0
The Wright Brothers -- 0
Thomas Edison -- 0
American Fed. of Labor -- 9
Ku Klux Klan -- 17
J.P. Morgan -- 0
DWEMS (Dead White European Males) did not fare well in this standard.
The Navy, Army and Air Force policies on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training are compounding recruitment challenges across nearly all military branches.
Evidence indicates that appointed Pentagon political leaders are dragging divisive progressive social justice ideologies into an institution that, for 248 years, has sought to remain apolitical and neutral.
Here are their stated goals for military recruitment and advancement.
"We must recruit an increased numbers of the following: parental or caregiver status; gender identity or sexual identity, to include lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, and all others (LGBTQIA+); pregnancy; disability, including people with hidden disabilities and the neurodiverse population; members of religious minorities; persons who live in rural areas; and persons otherwise adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality."
How did we ever win WW2 without the aid of The Rainbow?
Mask wearing is a symbol of control by and submission to government. Which is why lefties embrace it, despite evidence that it is nearly worthless in protection from disease.
A woman when asked by the Boston Globe why she was wearing a mask outdoors on the Boston Commons stated, "I’m not about to look like a Republican."
An elementary school in Frisco, Texas is believed to be the first in the state to violate “The Merry Christmas Law” after they banned Christmas trees and the colors red & green from an upcoming “winter” party.
Boys and girls who attend the Nichols Elementary School “Winter Party” will not be able to make any reference to Christmas or any other religious holiday. Christmas trees are also banned – along with the colors red and green.
So this is what it’s come to, America. You’ve got college-educated teacher terrified to put a toy elf on the shelf because she might get sued by the ACLU or some other left wing anti-Christmas group.
The Left has long supported giving reparations to blacks to compensate for the slavery their ancestors suffered.
For example, San Francisco recently announced a plan that seeks to provide reparations for the Black community. Under this proposal, every eligible Black adult in San Francisco would receive payments of $5 million, elimination of personal debt and tax burdens, a guaranteed annual income of at least $97,000 for 250 years, and the ability to purchase a home in San Francisco for only $1.
The cost for this plan would be $600,000 per non-Black family or roughly $250 billion dollars in total to taxpayers.
Of course, other proposals aren't nearly as generous, but you get the idea.
In 23-page legislation introduced on JAN18, 2024, Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., called on Congress to adopt several measures aimed at righting historic wrongs, including urging the federal government to issue federal reparations to Black Americans and other reparatory justice efforts. A minimum of $14 trillion would be needed "to eliminate the racial wealth gap that currently exists between Black and White Americans," the resolution argues.
A research team at Durham University in the UK has come up with a new way to guilt people out of eating meat: slap graphic warning labels on meat products warning that consuming them will harm the planet.
But, as with cigarette labeling, the effects are more limited than they would like. In fact, even the most dramatic labels had a limited effect, reducing people’s likelihood of eating meat by about 10%. That’s not nothing, but even in an environment dominated by university students, the desire to eat decent food outweighs fear and guilt.
A 50-year-old man was allowed to compete against teenage girls in a regional swimming competition in Canada, after swimming officials said they were simply going with national swimming guidelines.
A man named Nicholas J. Cepeda, who goes by "Melody Wiseheart," competed against young girls ages 13-17 at the Richmond Hill Aquatic Centre’s Fall Classic hosted at the Markham Pan Am Centre, near Toronto, Canada.
Cepeda competed against nine other female swimmers, all of whom were 13 or 14 years old. Cepeda made a mockery of the "Girls 13 & over" age requirement for the 200-meter competition, as he was both the only male competitor and the only swimmer in the entire event over 17 years old.
A Democrat California assemblyman introduced a bill seeking to make “May Day,” or International Workers Day, a state holiday that would replace President George Washington’s or President Abraham Lincoln’s birthday.
Assemblyman Miguel Santiago’s (D-Los Angeles) legislation calls for consolidating the two presidents’ birthdays to be observed on the third Monday in February as a single “President’s Day” holiday, but it also calls for the state to observe May 1 as “International Workers Day.”
International Workers Day, also known as “May Day,” had been observed in countries under Communism for decades and was designated as an official holiday of the Soviet Union.
Santiago’s May Day bill did not pass on Thursday, but the California Democrat made a motion for the Assembly to reconsider the legislation. However, their intention is clear: Remove those dead, white Founders from the public consciousness.
The NEA, the country's largest teachers union, has long supported the Rainbow's policies and goals.
Especially important to the Rainbow is teaching sex education to the kiddies in the schools. The sex ed curriculum of the Rainbow and NEA can certainly be rated XXX. For example, the union has long supported teaching the practice of "fisting" to their wards.
In the year 2000, the NEA supported a conference by GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network). Included in this conference was a discussion of fisting. "Fisting lets somebody into your body that you want to be close and intimate with and puts you into an exploratory mode."
Wisdom soon to be found, if not already there, in an elementary school near you.
You do realize that there are more than 100 genders?
Here's a list:
It should be clear to all that the blackened faces of the Mary Poppins characters can only be interpreted as a manifestation of racist intent. Minstrel shows and all that.
A microaggression is a subtle, often automatic, stereotypical, and insensitive behavior or comment or assumption about a person’s identity, background, ethnicity, or disability. Microaggressions may be intentional or non-intentional. They may be experienced daily by some people. The messages may be delivered in verbal, behavioral, and environmental forms (residing in the "climate" of an institution or in the broader society). For example, when women in the workplace enter a conference room where portraits of past CEOs or boards of directors are honorifically displayed, and they are all men. The implicit message is that women are less competent and/or that women may not be selected for leadership in that organization.
Mico-aggressions are delivered in many forms - politely or negatively. "I don't think your daughter is capable of doing that because of her disability", a school principal may say to a parent in front of the student - ignoring her presence completely.
Most often, microaggressions are aimed at traditionally marginalized identity groups.
Cultural appropriation is using or taking something from another culture without giving proper recognition or respect to that culture. occurs when a dominant cultural group adopts elements of another minority group’s heritage or cultural makeup.
Throughout pop culture, there are many instances of people from a dominant culture wearing the fashions, using the dialects, or otherwise utilizing the “intellectual property” that rightfully belongs to a minority or Indigenous culture. This can lead to a feeling of disrespect among members of the group who see others stealing and commodifying their traditions and styles.
Wearing a sombrero at a party is an often-cited example of cultural appropriation.
School classes of all-black or latino students taught by a teacher of color, as a way to try to close the achievement gap. This move aims to improve the educational outcomes for black and Hispanic students by separating them from white students. It follows a similar approach taken by a Chicago middle school in 2021, which organized segregated field trips to foster a stronger bond between black teachers and students.
Supporters of this method argue that it provides a more comfortable and empowering environment for minority students.
Supporters explain that these courses offer a more relatable and less intimidating environment for minority students, especially in advanced placement classes. Is this a return to "separate but equal?"
“Separate but equal” refers to the infamously racist decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that allowed the use of segregation laws by states and local governments. The Supreme Court in 1954 deemed racially separate schools unconstitutional in Brown v. Board of Education.
A popular sign at "The Million Mom March in 2000 stated "First Registration, Then Confiscation."
This has been the gun grabbers dream for decades. They realize that registration would be necessary to facilitate confiscation and has historically been the first step in the process.
It would be very difficult and expensive for the federal government to attempt any confiscation of firearms without some idea of where they are and who has them.
The end goal of gun-grabbing groups like the Brady Campaign is to completely eliminate civilian gun ownership, and in order to do that, they first need to know who’s got what. Once they do, then they can confiscate the guns.
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists. TERFs are feminists who don't want to include trans men in the feminist movement.
Some of the same people who worked hard to ban cigarette smoking in public facilities are now working just as hard to legalize the sale and use of such drugs like marijuana.
In 2012, Colorado voted to legalize recreational marijuana beginning in 2014, making it the
first state alongside Washington to permit recreational use. Suicide, overdoses, ER visits, hospitalizations, and domestic and street violence due to cannabis are soaring in Colorado.
Like,WOW man!!!
Controversy sparked when New York City public school Principal Mark Federman distributed literature entitled “The 8 White Identities” to the parents of his students. The principal of East Side Community School urged parents to read up and “reflect” on their “whiteness” accordingly. The reading series curriculum was originally written by Barnor Hesse, an associate professor of African American studies at Northwestern University in Illinois.
The 8 White Identities
By Barnor Hesse
There is a regime of whiteness, and there are action-oriented white identities. People who identify with whiteness are one of these. It's about time we build an ethnography of whiteness, since white people have been the ones writing about and governing Others.
1. White Supremacist
Clearly marked white society that preserves, names, and values white superiority
2. White Voyeurism
Wouldn't challenge a white supremacist; desires non-whiteness because it's interesting, pleasurable; seeks to control the consumption and appropriation of non-whiteness; fascination with culture (ex: consuming Black culture without the burden of Blackness)
3. White Privilege
May critique supremacy, but a deep investment in questions of fairness/equality under the normalization of whiteness and the white rule; sworn goal of 'diversity'
4. White Benefit
Sympathetic to a set of issues but only privately: won't speak/act in solidarity publicly because benefitting through whiteness in public (some POC are in this category as well)
5. White Confessional
Some exposure of whiteness takes place, but as a way of being accountable to POC after: seek validation from POC.
6. White Critical
Take on board critiques of whiteness and invest in exposing/marking the white regime; refuses to be complicit with the regime; whiteness speaking back to whiteness
7. White Traitor
Actively refuses complicity; names what's going on; intention is to subvert white authority and tell the truth at whatever cost; need them to dismantle institutions
8. White Abolitionist
Changing institutions, dismantling whiteness, and allowing whiteness to reassert itself.
Students at Rutgers University-Camden are now being infantilized with “trigger warnings” on Greek and Roman literature and history classes.
Associate professor Evan Jewell told Rutgers-Camden News Now that he believes that students need to be warned about historic material that might upset their delicate sensibilities.
“People have rightfully come to a more critical stance against continuing attitudes of racism and misogyny,” he said. “So how do we teach an ancient society where misogyny, sexual assault, and harassment were the norm and built into the classic texts that we read?”
While Jewell acknowledges that people argue this won’t prepare the young minds for the real world, he does not really care.
“There are debates whether taking such an approach doesn’t prepare them for the real world,” he said. “Conversely, some argue that, if someone has had a traumatic assault, the discussion might trigger this experience. I think it’s better to prepare the students than to surprise them.”
This was a four-year effort we all witnessed that ended up amounting to less than the center of a doughnut. It was such a widespread and unfounded claim that it actually has subsets:
1.a) The Steele Dossier – The document that was the basis of the entire affair was entirely cooked up. Bought by Democrat interests it was so light in content that when the FISA warrant was applied for they needed to feed this to members of the press, and those reports were then deemed corroboration to justify the warrant. In other words, they proved the dossier was accurate by referencing – the dossier.
1.b) The Russian Pee Tape – Springing up out of this fable was the claim that there was a video made of Donald Trump with Russian hookers who were recorded micturating on the future President. The story was widespread and endured for years, yet there was never anything approaching proof that it exists.
1.c) ‘’There were dozens of convictions’’ – This is the tout when the failure of the Mueller Investigation is pointed out. True, Mueller concocted dozens of convictions and guilty pleas, but what is not acknowledged is none of them were connected to the campaign. Most convictions were against Russian hackers who will never face a charge here in the states, and all of Paul Manafort’s involved banking scams he ran before the election.
We have an amazing story to tell," she said. "This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light."
-- Michelle Obama
"Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus."
-- Politiken (Danish newspaper)
"No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don't expect, like Jesus being born in a manger."
--Lawrence Carter
"Many even see in Obama a messiah-like figure, a great soul, and some affectionately call him Mahatma Obama."
-- Dinesh Sharma
"We just like to say his name. We are considering taking it as a mantra."
-- Chicago] Sun-Times
"A Lightworker -- An Attuned Being with Powerful Luminosity and High-Vibration Integrity who will actually help usher in a New Way of Being"
-- Mark Morford
"What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history"
-- Jesse Jackson, Jr.
"Does it not feel as if some special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"
-- Daily Kos
"He communicates God-like energy..."
-- Steve Davis (Charleston, SC)
"Not just an ordinary human being but indeed an Advanced Soul"
-- Commentator @ Chicago Sun Times
"I'll do whatever he says to do. I'll collect paper cups off the ground to make his pathway clear."
-- Halle Berry
"A quantum leap in American consciousness"
-- Deepak Chopra
"He is not operating on the same plane as ordinary politicians. . . . the agent of transformation in an age of revolution, as a figure uniquely qualified to open the door to the 21st century."
-- Gary Hart
"Barack Obama is our collective representation of our purest hopes, our highest visions and our deepest knowings . . . He's our product out of the all-knowing quantum field of intelligence."
-- Eve Konstantine
"This is bigger than Kennedy. . . . This is the New Testament." | "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."
-- Chris Matthews
"[Obama is ] creative imagination which coupled with brilliance equals wisdom . . . [He is] the man for this time."
-- Toni Morrison
"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . . He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . . . Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."
-- Ezra Klein
And from His Royal Highness:
"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
-- Barack Obama
"Defund the police" is a slogan that supports removing funds from police departments and reallocating them to non-policing forms of public safety and community support, such as social services, youth services, housing, education, healthcare and other community resources. Lefty activists who use the phrase may do so with varying intentions; some seek modest reductions, while others argue for full divestment as a step toward the abolition of contemporary police services. Activists who support the defunding of police departments often argue that investing in community programs could provide a better crime deterrent for communities; funds would go toward addressing social issues, like poverty, homelessness, and mental disorders. Police abolitionists call for replacing existing police forces with other systems of public safety, like housing, employment, community health, education, and other programs.
Of course this is pure nonsense. While no cities actually defunded the police, many cities cut police allocations.
Seattle, for example, cut police funding and the next year homicides skyrocketed by 24% while motor vehicle thefts climbed by 30%.
The online training is a webinar created by Robin DiAngelo, author of "White Fragility," and is hosted on LinkedIn.
The description of the course says the training "gives you the vocabulary and practices you need to start confronting racism and unconscious bias at the individual level and throughout your organization. There's no magic recipe for building an inclusive workplace. It's a process that needs to involve people of color, and that needs to go on for as long as your company's in business. But with these tools at your disposal, you'll be well on your way."
One image in the course says, "in the United States and other Western nations, whites are socialized to feel that they are inherently superior because they are white ." And they finish with an invitation: "Try to be less white .""
What was the response?
Coca Cola issued a statement: “Our Better Together global learning curriculum is part of a learning plan to help build an inclusive workplace."
Nov, 2023
Glamour magazine has named a male-born transgender model as one of its 2023 Women of the Year awardees.
The magazine named Philippines model Geena Rocero as one of its seven women of the year picks in its November 1 announcement.
In its retrospective of Rocero’s career, it is revealed that the Filipino model got started when an adult drag queen groomed a then 15-year-old Rocero for a stage career.
Drag performer Tigerlily Garcia Temporosa, who is described as a “mentor and community mother,” praised Rocero as a “rising star” as a young teen.
A worldwide organization of doctors called the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine urged the use of "gender-inclusive language" such as "chestfeeding," "parent’s milk" and "human milk feeding" in new guidelines.
What is chestfeeding?
Chestfeeding is the process of feeding a child human milk from a person's chest. It's is a term that can be used by anyone, but often is used by transgender and nonbinary people for whom the words breastfeeding or nursing are not an ideal fit.
"ABM recognizes that not all people who give birth and lactate identify as female, and that some of these individuals identify as neither female nor male," said in a document posted July 29.
Eight doctors and the organization co-authored the document on "infant feeding and lactation-related language and gender," and said that "the use of de-sexed or gender-inclusive language is appropriate in many settings."
The World Economic Forum promoted the EU’s new plan to use mealworms in food in their bid to reduce meat consumption.
The globalists are pushing for the peasants to eat bugs, weeds and synthetic ‘meat’ because bugs “consume fewer resources than traditional livestock.
“Livestock around the world is responsible for around 14.5% of all greenhouse gas emissions relating to human activity. The need for land – whether for grazing animals or growing crops to feed animals – is “the single greatest driver of deforestation, with major consequences.
Many states and localities have banned the use of single-use plastic straws, These straws contribute to less than 1% of plastic garbage.
So, cocaine is now legal to snort in Oregon but the plastic straw you snort it with isn’t?
Brigham and Women's Hospital, a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, is taking down its prominent display of its past medical legends because too many are white men.
Diversity and inclusion initiatives prompted the removal of 30 portraits from the hospital's Bornstein Amphitheater because the paintings reinforce "that white men are in charge," one professor said. The Boston Globe first reported the news, writing that past white male luminaries will be dispersed to "put the focus on diversity."
Dr. Betsy Nabel, the president of Brigham and Women's Hospital, said she made the decision to get rid of white men after reading the minds of minority students looking at the portraits.
"That got me thinking maybe it's time that we think about respecting our past in a different way," she said.
Intersectionality is a form of identity politics in which the value of your opinion depends on how many victim groups you belong to. At the bottom of the totem pole is the person everybody loves to hate—the straight, white, Christian male.
And who’s at the top? Well, it’s very hard to say, because new groups claim victim status all the time. No one can keep track.
Intersectionality takes your victim status and uses it as the basis for creating alliances with other victim groups. Thirty or forty years ago, activists encouraged racial solidarity among blacks to combat oppression. But today, that’s not enough. Today’s activists demand blacks make common cause with other allegedly “oppressed” people—gays, lesbians, transgenders, Palestinians, Native Americans, whomever.
Let’s say you’re a gay, white woman. Your opinion matters, but less than that of a gay, black woman. Why? Because while all women are oppressed by the patriarchy, and all gays are oppressed by the heterosexual majority, blacks have a victim status that whites obviously don’t.
Of course, a gay black woman’s victim status is less than that of a black trans woman, who ranks below a black, Muslim trans woman, and so on. The more memberships you can claim in “oppressed” groups, the more aggrieved you are, and the higher you rank.
The term “intersectionality” was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, a professor of law at Columbia University.
She explains that intersectionality “was my attempt to make feminism, anti-racist activism, and anti-discrimination law do what I thought they should—highlight the multiple avenues through which racial and gender oppression were experienced…”
School children will be taught that "all genders" can have periods in new sex education lessons, in a victory for transgender rights campaigners.
The advice to teachers was approved by Brighton & Hove City Council as they try to tackle stigma around menstruation.
The new advice follows a council report which said: "Trans boys and men and non-binary people may have periods", adding that "menstruation must be inclusive of all genders".
Bins used for menstruation products will be provided in all toilets for children, according to the report.
It also calls for transgender students and pupils to be provided with additional support from a school nurse if needed.
The report recommends that "language and learning about periods is inclusive of all genders, cultures, faiths and sexual orientations. For example; ‘girls and women and others who have periods'".
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is bankrolling a group of activists who believe math is racist.
A group of fringe educators have compiled a six-part toolkit offering an “integrated approach” to developing an “anti-racist math practice” viewed through a social justice lens. It chides the “concept of mathematics being purely objective” as “unequivocally false.” It argues focusing on the “right answer” to math equations is an example of white supremacy.
The toolkit "A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction" is meant to help educators in grades 6-8. If your child’s educators subscribe to any of the beliefs in these texts, you should pull them immediately.
Math is racist. Wrong answers are white supremacy
The toolkit focuses on the 2021 progressive buzzword of “equity” and claims white supremacy and mathematics go hand in hand.
In yet another indication of how wokeness has permeated the American military under the Biden administration, Air Force cadets have been instructed not to use gender-specific terms like “Mom” or “Dad” and replace such terms with words such as “parent” or “caregiver.”
That instruction was featured at the Air Force Academy in Colorado as part of cadets’ “Diversity and inclusion (D&I) training,” cadets were told.
The Art Institute of Chicago fired all of its trained volunteers and guides last month, who were mostly older White women, to diversify its team.
"We were surprised, we were disappointed," Gigi Vaffis, president of the docent council, said in an interview with radio station WBEZ of the firings. "There is an army of very highly skilled docents that are willing and ready and able to continue with arts education."
The docents at institutions like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston are all volunteers. “For many years we have worked concertedly to attract a diverse corps of docents,” said Gary Tinterow, the Houston museum’s director, “and we look forward to continued diversification of staff and volunteers.”
The U.S. Navy confirmed that it used a drag queen influencer as one of its “digital ambassadors” to attempt to recruit “a wide range of potential candidates.”
The Navy Digital Ambassador Program was a pilot initiative designed to explore the digital environment to reach a wide range of potential candidates as the Navy navigates the most challenging recruiting environment it has faced since the start of the all-volunteer force.
“The pilot has concluded; we are evaluating the program and how it will exist in the future,” said a navy spokesman.
“Queer ppl were oppressed in the military for years only until 2011 and trans people since 2021. You only want to support the military when it benefits you and doesn’t involve queer people. Yet the military is the largest diverse, and adaptable organization in the use [sic],” commented one of the ambassadors Navy Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, whose stage name is “Harpy Daniels.”
A cervical cancer trust is under fire for suggesting that people call vaginas “bonus holes” to avoid offending transgender people.
Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, based in the UK, suggested the language in 2020 — but it just went viral after it was noticed by people and posted to Twitter.
“Bonus hole – An alternative word for the vagina. It is important to check which words someone would prefer to use,” the glossary on the trust’s website states.
The website claims, “Using the correct language when referring to someone’s gender identity is a simple and effective way to demonstrate support and recognition. If incorrect language is used without being corrected, it can cause someone to feel hurt or distressed. This may lead them to leave and to eventually seek support elsewhere.”
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