Lefties are trying hard to convince us that the standards of beauty are ever-changing. Above is a recent Sports Illustrated swimsuit model.
Cheryl Tiegs? Christy Brinkley? Forget it boys. Society has moved on.
Fatties are now considered of equal pulchritude as fit men and women. I'll let the readers make their own judgment about this.
Parents are speaking out against pornographic books in school libraries, forces students to use their preferred name, gender, and pronouns at school without parental knowledge, Critical Race Theory teachers who claim all white students are racists, forced Covid vaccinations, and a general replacement of the Three R's with left-wing orthodoxy.
Lefties want to treat these parents as domestic terrorists.
New York’s Metropolitan Opera has slapped a trigger warning on Puccini’s Turandot, warning audiences that the much-performed masterpiece that is set in feudal China is “rife” with “racial stereotypes.”
It also accuses Puccini of cultural appropriation, claiming the Italian composer borrowed and distorted Chinese music.
Norman Lebrecht, an opera critic, dismissed the program note as “manufactured racial exasperation.”
“Trigger warnings exist to cover the heightened legal anxieties of theater administrators and the lately-inflated sensitivities of underpaid auxiliaries. They are bad for business and they should be scrapped,” he said.
“Turandot has fictional Chinese characters. If that bothers you, stay away,” he added.
Libs have imaginative words for everything , including having drag queens telling stories to very young children. Advertised as "family friendly, the libs claim these story hours as "preparative to alternative modes of kinship."
Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? What parents wouldn't want to have some middle-aged transvestite pal around with their kiddie?
Clearly, these story hours are intended to initiate children into how much fun gayness can be!
Mao's Red Guard was disbanded in 1968, but not after two years of a Cultural Revolution that sought to destroy the the “four olds” - old ideas, old customs, old habits and old culture. Re-education camps, struggle sessions, gulags and murder were favored tools of the Red Guard.
Some of the more radical US libs have morphed The Red Guards into Antifa, BLM and the Youth Liberation Front (YLF) who still hope to destroy the "olds." However, their olds now encompass straight white men, Western civilization and anything Trump.
Like the old Red Guard, soldiers of the new Red Guard believe the current political system is broken and needs to be replaced rather than reformed. They are opposed to anything normal, legitimate or dominant.
The Left describes Queer Theory as a way of thinking that dismantles traditional assumptions about gender and sexual identities.
Here is what they say.
"Queering deconstructsthe dominant, heteronormative structures undergirding extant scholarship (Marinucci, 2010). One theoretical strategy relies on an insistence on the social construction of gender and sexuality (see Butler, 1990). Theories of social construction claim that human identities are not inherent or essential (that is, having an essence), but rather emerge out of social relations and discourse. In Butler’s (1990) work, she understands gender as produced through repetitive practices of personal and social practices. In other words, one’s gender does not exist a priori discourse, but instead is constructed by characteristics and experiences. At the base of social constructionist theories is the assumption that, since identities are constructed, they can always be constructed otherwise."
A Queer Studies degree is attainable at many colleges and universities. Among them are Smith College, Wesleyan University, Berkeley (of course), Temple University and a dozen others.
July 4th celebrates the liberation of white males from British rule. Women and blacks remained oppressed after July 4, 1776. So claim the libs.
Hence Juneteenth is considered a more inclusive holiday celebrating liberation.
Recognizing Juneteenth on a federal level “acknowledges slavery as the original sin built into the United States Constitution,” stated Sen. Market (D-Mass.) “We celebrate its eradication, but we can’t celebrate how deeply racism resulted in America’s policies and is still built into education, health care, housing and every other policy.”
Ellen Paige before she fell for the Lib's RAINBOW propaganda.
Elliot Paige after transition.
What better way to eliminate whiteness in the country than to start with the children?
The libs have teamed with the radical teachers unions to introduce "culturally responsive teaching," "pedagogy of liberation," "emancipatory curriculum" and other progressive policies into America's schools.
Their goal? To urge, sometimes force, ALL of their students to hate whiteness. According to black activist Bettina Love, "whiteness must be eradicated in favor of blackness," "capitalism should be destroyed in favor of collectivism" and "all white institutions including traditional schools, prisons, immigration enforcement, gun ownership, drug laws, cash bail and policing be permanently abolished."
Christopher Rufo wrote, "The endpoint of abolition is, ultimately, the abolition of America itself.
America's Cultural Revolution by Christopher Rufo
Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity by Noel Igntiev
We Want to Do More Than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom by Bettina Love
For example, Connecticut SB 140 is an act that requires free feminine hygiene products in all middle and high school bathrooms in the state. Their reasoning runs thusly: "Connecticut schools affirm students’ gender identities and thus recognize that there may be boys and non-binary students who have periods."
I would like to see an XY male experiencing a menstrual incident!
The boys in Brookfield High School took common sense into their own hands and destroyed the dispensers within the hour after installation. Connecticut Senator Rob Sampson opposed the proposal last year, referring to the policy as 'idiotic' and 'insane'. However, the Democrats felt such a law was a pressing necessity.
As ludicrous as this tampon policy is, the Dems have doubled down and nominated the Minnesota governor, Tim Walz, for Vice President, who also mandated that tampons be available in the Boys Room of grade and high schools.
Walz has earned the moniker of "Tampon Tim."
Libs and the DIE brigade are clamoring that the next James Bond be played by a black actor.
How about Ryan Gosling as Obama?
No more "Sleepless in Seattle" from Hollywood. Movies like BROS have become the de rigueur of Hollywood Romcoms. With a logline of "Two men with commitment problems attempt a relationship'" Bros is Hollywood's latest effort to normalize homosexuality.
The public isn't buying. With a budget of $22 million, Bros grossed only $11 million at the domestic box office.
Not to worry. Those losses provided plenty of needed virtue signaling for the producers and investors.
No more gulags, shots to the back of the head, struggle sessions, KGB interrogations, big corrupt government, bourgeois eradication or appropriation of private property.
Today's communists have put on a Happy Face. Just ask the Democrats.
Well, lefties "draw upon critical feminist and intersectional frameworks to delineate an overarching orientation to structural oppression and unequal power relations that advantages white heteropatriarchal nuclear families (WHNFs) and marginalizes others as a function of family structure and relationship status. Specifically,they theorize that marriage fundamentalism, like structural racism, is a key structuring element of White heteropatriarchal supremacy. Marriage fundamentalism can be understood as an ideological and cultural phenomenon, where adherents espouse the superiority of the two-parent married family.
Libs believe that believe that with fewer police we will have less violent crime. So they defunded the police in many Dem cities. So what happened? Arrests fell, but murders increased. There weren't enough cops to answer all calls from crime victims, but a stiff is hard to ignore, especially if it is lying on the middle of the street.
How often do you hear a lefty spout, "Diversity is our greatest strength?" Always cited, but evidence for such a claim is never given.
Ironically, the happiest countries in the world are Finland, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. All hardly diverse.
The Rainbow is desperate and is assuming many tactics of the Nazi's Gestapo -- Hitler's infamous political police force. Hence the Gaystapo.
The Gestapo’s mission was to “investigate and combat all attempts to threaten the state.” Similarly, the Gaystapo works to silence any critic and criticism of the umbrella Rainbow. Charges of bigotry, hate and homophobia are now the standard tropes of the Gaystapo movement in America. An occasional beating of dissidents at protests, especially Christian protestors, is fairly common.
Don't believe it? They why did they open our borders to millions of Third World illegals?
Libs have long disdained traditional education in favor of a more progressive approach. They believe that education is a process of liberation. Paolo Friere, a communist, is their hero and his book, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" their Bible.
How many times do you hear this incantation from some leftist? Despite the available data from the IRS which debunks this claim, they will continue to repeat the lie. Simply, the wealthiest 1% of earners pay 42% of income taxes...at least in 2020 from which these numbers derive. But their voters will never believe it. Bewilderment must be a part of their DNA.
Biden astoundingly has replaced Easter Sunday with "Transgender Day of Visibility!"
According to the Biden White House:
"On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives."
Furthermore, Biden has banned all religious symbols from the annual Easter egg hunt for children and the Easter art contest.
I assume the Pride Flag would be acceptable.
Since 1965 lefties exploded thousands of bombs which have killed scores and injured hundreds.
This photo is of the Pentagon, one of their targets. They also targeted Wall Street, police stations, the US Capitol, universities, banks, corporate headquarters and other counter-revolutionary targets.
Oh, two of these bombers, Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers, hosted a fundraiser for Barack Obama's first Senate campaign. Ayers remains unrepentant, telling The New York Times in 2001, “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.”
The illusory truth effect (also known as the illusion of truth effect, validity effect, truth effect, or the reiteration effect) is the tendency to believe false information to be correct after repeated exposure.
This explains why the libs accuse so many of being racist, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist....
A recent study found, "In laboratory experiments, the illusory truth effect has often been examined using general trivia statements as stimuli, but repetition also increases belief in misinformation, such as fake news headlines and conspiracy beliefs. Repetition even increases belief in claims that are implausible or that contradict prior knowledge. "
Remember the words of Joseph Goebbels (Gurgles, according to Al Sharpton), "A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth."
For five years, Mr. Maddow crowed about the collusion between Trump and Putin without evidence. Now you know why.
The struggle sessions were a mainstay of Mao's Cultural Revolution. For the unaware, "struggle sessions" were spectacles where dissidents and counter -revolutionaries were publicly humiliated, accused, beaten and tortured in an effort to "persuade" them to celebrate communism and the revolution.
In this 21st Century, the libs have adopted struggle sessions but have changed the name to "DIVERSITY TRAINING."
In these sessions the trainers explain that they intend to expose the roots of the white male culture. White male participants are forced to make statements about their white privilege and apologize for their complicity in maintaining this system. The men, in order to pass the course and retain their job, must pledge to atone for their whiteness and become a better ally to the DIE cause.
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